Follow me on my wonderful adventure of finding my inner cowgirl.And who knows maybe when this adventure is over I will be able to proudly call myself a cowgirl.

Friday, March 15, 2013

 I hate the word diet,it's a dirty four letter word.However this cowgirl admits she could stand to lose some of her awesome body"mass".
 I did not start out thinking I was going to lose any weight,I started thinking I needed to get my son cowboy Christopher on a healthier chemical free,processed food free(not a diet)WAY OF EATING.The amazing side effect is.. WEIGHT LOSS for the Cowgirl..YEEHAW to that...I know a Cowboy who just might enjoy that.

 Cowboy Christopher has a genetic disorder called Bannayan-Ruvalcaba-Riley Syndrome,the little cowboy was always a BIG cowboy even at birth.I remember the first thing the NICU nurse said to me before she showed me my baby cowboy..OH YOU ARE THE MOTHER OF THE BIG BABY...seeing him next to all the little neo babies truly showed he was going to be a BIG COWBOY...leads us up to 11 plus years later..Christopher started having headaches :( we get a MRI,we see a 12cc polyp inside his head.And mild Hydrocephalus.YES my cowgirl heart heart dropped onto the floor when the doctors said that.HOWEVER thankfully he is going to be fine.The polyp is still there,he thankfully did not have so much pressure buildup that he needed a shunt.And the headaches are being controlled with medication.

 The above made me really rethink everything we put into his body.Some things we have limited control of,BUT we can control his food.I decided to think OUTSIDE OF THE BOX...we don't need all those food dyes,chemicals to preserve freshness,and honestly we don't need foods that have a shelf life longer then many Hollywood marriages.What we need is REAL FOOD,food that hasn't been bleached,waxed(why am I thinking I need to get my brows done?) overly processed.that has very little real food left in it.We are paying for fillers..I want to pay for real food.I want to know that my little cowboy is getting the very best I can give him.I want him to have the best chance possible in life.I want him to grow up knowing how to eat real food,I believe this is the best GIFT I can ever give him(although he thinks his XBOX 360 is the best gift EVER).

  I started thinking would I ever feed our animals food filled with fillers?NEVER,we give them the best feed possible because that's what they were meant to eat,they need it.So why do we buy human food that is loaded with fillers?Why not just buy real human food?

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

― Hippocrates

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