Follow me on my wonderful adventure of finding my inner cowgirl.And who knows maybe when this adventure is over I will be able to proudly call myself a cowgirl.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

mom we're bored...really well lets fix it

 Ok when mommy is stressed out and has a MILLION things to do..its never a great idea for kids to say we're bored...You would think they would teach them that in know every kid should know that.
 So I thought of something cool they could first they were super excited...then lets just say they started having a really crappy time...for the life of me I can't understand why..ummmmmmmm tough crowd I guess.
  I had them shovel poo for the compost pile!!It was a win win..meaning I didn't have to do it..hahahahahaha
Plus I mean With Earth day and all the kids need to learn this stuff..oh and I didn't have to do it...BONUS!!!
Thanks Boys